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With 67 percent of buying decisions made at the point of purchase, it's impossible to overemphasize the value of a tuned-in retail sales force.

When a consumer's experience at retail augments his feelings for the brand, Retail Fidelity is working at full strength. The Sparc benefits for retailers are numerous — increased sales and enhanced customer loyalty are just the beginning.

  • Sustain your advantage versus big box and catalog/online sales.
  • Reduce your training costs, while gaining efficiencies and an increased training ROI.
  • Stay ahead as products become ever more complex and technical.
  • Build the knowledge, skills and confidence of your salespeople.
  • 24/7 usability, user-controlled experience.
  • Customize curriculum for your staff, and monitor their individual progress in real time.
  • Give your staff direct exposure to the experts — the people that created the products they're selling.
  • Provide access to a dynamic online community, sharing ideas and best practices.
  • Learn & Earn incentives — high motivation for your salespeople to train and increase their productivity.

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